Information Technology

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

This policy applies to all computers that connect to the Lindenwood University network, whether they are student, faculty, staff, or University owned. At its discretion, 大学保留限制或拒绝使用其网络设施和功能的权利.

Lindenwood Network and Technology Resources

澳门威尼斯人平台官网-来宾网络是一个不安全的网络,澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学对来宾无线网络的可用性或安全性不作任何陈述或保证, and all use is provided on an as-is basis. By using the guest wireless network you agree to defend, indemnify, 并保证澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学不会因您使用客用无线网络而遭受任何损失或损害.

访问大学计算机设施和校园通信网络的个人对其适当使用承担责任. The University expects individuals to be careful, honest, responsible, and civil in the use of the University network, computers and information technology. 计算机、技术和网络设施主要用于教育和行政用途. These facilities have tangible value. 企图绕过会计/信息系统或使用他人帐户的行为将被视为盗窃未遂,并将受到相应的起诉.

个人不得试图破坏或降低澳门威尼斯人平台官网计算机和/或网络的性能,也不得干扰其他用户的工作. 个人不得试图绕过安全系统或利用/探测任何澳门威尼斯人平台官网网络或系统中的安全漏洞. In addition, 个人不得试图对通过澳门威尼斯人平台官网设施访问的其他公共或私人系统进行任何此类活动.

Individuals assume personal responsibility for the use of their accounts. 用户不得透露他们的密码或以其他方式使澳门威尼斯人平台官网的设施提供给未经授权的个人或团体. Moreover the possession or collection of others passwords is prohibited.

Physical theft, rearrangement, or damage to any University computer, technology, network equipment, facilities, or property is strictly prohibited, and will be prosecuted according to applicable laws and enforcement methods. This includes all public computer labs, network equipment, wiring and links.

澳门威尼斯人平台官网网络上使用个人电脑的用户应采取合理的预防措施,以确保其系统的安全. All computers require a valid, up-to-date virus-scanning program. Individuals may be held responsible for any misuse that occur on their systems.

用户不允许注册引用Lindenwood网络系统的外部域名. Using the Lindenwood network for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. 严禁私自将任何从物理网络接入Lindenwood网络.



No Lindenwood system is to be used for any illegal or criminal purpose. 用户必须遵守知识产权,特别是适用于软件和电子形式信息的版权法.


File Sharing

File Sharing Software Is Prohibited on the Lindenwood Network.

File Sharing software including (but not limited to),

  • Aimster
  • Ares (All versions)
  • BearShare
  • Bittorrent
  • Bulbster
  • Gnutella
  • Hotline
  • Imesh
  • Kazaa (All versions
  • LimeWire
  • Madster
  • Monolito
  • Napster
  • NeoNapster
  • WinMX

are prohibited on the Lindenwood University network (including residence halls, apartments, classrooms, public spaces, and faculty/staff offices).

因为澳门威尼斯人平台官网网络和互联网连接是由许多大学服务(大学图书馆)共享的, Lindenwood University website, Electronic Mail, etc.), 澳门威尼斯人平台官网信息技术部门积极监控网络流量,以确保为每个人提供可靠的服务. File sharing software can account for a large portion of traffic on our network. 因此,网络流量整形可用于处理滥用或策略违反的实例.

Streaming media (such as streaming video, streaming audio programs, etc.) are permitted as they use significantly less bandwidth. However, during peak hours, 任何带宽密集型应用程序都可能被终止,以确保继续为大学的其他部分提供服务.

If you have file sharing applications on your computer, you must remove them. 简单地禁用这些应用程序可能不会减轻它们对Lindenwood网络的影响,因为这些应用程序在后台与整个互联网共享您的计算机, generating an enormous amount of traffic. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电x5100与信息技术帮助台联系.

Copyright Compliance

As a part of its compliance with federal copyright law, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学部署了一个程序,以回应版权持有人侵犯版权的善意通知. This procedure operates as follows:



Upon receipt of that statement, the agent then requests that the Network Operations Center unblock the IP address.

因为故意文件共享的材料,用户没有得到版权所有者的许可是违反了大学的政策, the user shall be reported to the Provosts Office for disciplinary processing.

如果版权通知是由于电脑受到损害(导致电脑损坏的电子活动), or a "hacking," and not the intentional activity of file sharing on the part of the computers user, 代理商应指示用户修理计算机或与帮助台(helpdesk@Lindenwood)预约.edu) to have it fixed. 代理人在收到机器已修好的信息后,将要求解除封锁.

Obscene or Harassing Electronic Communications

Obscene or harassing electronic communication is prohibited, as are messages that target individuals in a threatening manner. Individuals who send such communications will be reported to the proper authorities. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网信息技术部保留监控澳门威尼斯人平台官网计算机或任何连接到澳门威尼斯人平台官网网络的计算机上的任何计算机活动的权利.

Policy Violation

澳门威尼斯人平台官网信息技术部保留拒绝任何违反这些规则的人临时或永久访问系统或网络的权利. 这包括终止威胁系统或网络安全的进程或连接的能力, performance or integrity. The network administrator will attempt to notify the user of any such action.